Solar panel installation will save you thousands of dollars, and eliminate your Texas electric bill

As a Texas-based solar company, we understand the needs and challenges of solar panel installation in the state. Our team of experts has years of experience designing and installing solar energy systems tailored to the needs of Texas homeowners and businesses.

solar installation Texas


Texas energy Rebates on solar panel installation

Get rid of your energy bills and enjoy unlimited energy with our solar installation + Texas energy Rebates and incentives

Go green, save money and more

With our fast deployment and easy process, you’ll get your Solar system up in no time. You get a bunch of benefits by installing our solar power system.

Cut your electric bills and save thousands of dollars

Make your energy more efficient and save your money. Get your own power and sell it back to the grid with our solar energy systems. This plan could make your electric bill zero! Get unlimited sun energy and take advantage of Texas’ solar tax incentives without breaking the bank.

Best Solar and Roofing in Texas

What Is a Zero $$$ out of Pocket?


Do you hate paying high electricity bills in Texas? They can range from $100 to $500 a month. Custom Pro can help you get a solar loan in Texas and pay a fixed amount every month. That’s less than your current electricity bill. You’ll save money on electricity and sell the surplus to your utility company. Owning your own electricity in Texas means long-term savings. It’s a win-win situation for both your wallet and the environment.


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